Better relationships

for a better world.


Imagine a world where all humans are thriving in their relationships—with self, with their partners, children, families, communities, governments, and even with the planet at large. Imagine a world where we embrace conflict, not as a way to polarize ourselves from the other, but as a tool for collaborative creativity toward solutions for a better world. Imagine feeling so hopeful, so excited, so full of renewal and inspiration, we are a force for change, justice, and peace. 

Imagine humanity revolutionized and revitalized. 

Behind Our Why

In today’s world, human sexuality has been reduced to a mere act, rather than an interactive living breathing part of who we are. We think, feel, desire, create, imagine, and emote in everything we do. We crave connection and seek out pleasure in myriad ways. Human sexuality is so much more than function or reproductive health. It’s our personality, creativity, and individual expression. It’s the way we perceive, connect, and engage with the world around us.

“Sex ed without relationship education is woefully inadequate. To focus on function without feeling is to neglect what it means to be human.” -Mal Harrison, founder

We are taught algebra and science in school, yet don’t have any classes on relationships. We focus so much on mental and physical health, yet we haven’t quite seemed to connect that to relational health. If the quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our relationships, then why aren’t relationship skills at the forefront of education?


Erotic Intelligence Insider

Read the speech our Executive Director & Founder gave at TOA Berlin, 2018 on sextech & the future of human relationships.
Comparison in the age of perfectionism is hard on the human spirit.
The key ingredients to cultivate for thriving erotic intelligence.
How do couples with erotic intelligence put it into action?
Feast your eyes ... get #cliterate!
Written by our Executive Director and founder, Mal Harrison, first published for Museum of Sex in 2011.

About Us

The Center for Erotic Intelligence is a global collective of practitioners with concentrated areas of expertise in neurology, anthropology, psychology, biology, sociology, medicine, linguistics, education, and more. Additionally, we are always on the lookout for new insights, ideas, and thought leaders. Please get in touch if you’d like to add your voice, find ways to work together, or have a suggestion of who we need to know!


Our Work



Knowledge is power. That’s why education is at the heart of all we do. Erotic Intelligence® education utilizes five primary tenants that go far beyond sex ed.



From medicine to social sciences, we work both independently and collaboratively with institutions and organizations across the globe.


Personal Development

Our goal is to ensure that you are empowered in the decisions you make for optimal relational health—from the bedroom to the boardroom.


Activism & Policy Change

Sustainable relationships require sustainable systems. Human rights—autonomy, agency, dignity, and equality are imperative for a sustainable future.


Feel It Inspo

Do you have an epic story that you think the rest of the world should hear? Or have you read something that left you with all the feels? Slide into our DMs or submit in our contact form to share it!

The Latest Breakthroughs & Insights

Research & News

“I tell clients and students, if you’re constantly watching something, you’re never getting to create your own fantasies, explore your erotic imagination and know what your boundaries are,” said Mal Harrison, the executive director of the Center for Erotic Intelligence
Netherlands-based adult toy shop EasyToys just launched a new campaign— a faux reality TV show, where three adventurous couples are faced with the challenge of finding a "not-so-hidden" treasure: Mount Clitoris, Philippines. (YES, THIS IS A REAL PLACE!) In a comedic two-minute spot, the couples must reach the peak to "close the gap" and win the ultimate prize.
Experts are raising concerns about what the intersection — now in four states — means for victims of domestic violence. Homicide is the leading cause of death for pregnant and postpartum people in the United States.